At this point, it's become a running joke at my house that my food blog is theoretical. Of course, the blog still exists. Friends occasionally ask me for the link which I somewhat embarassedly give with the caveat that it has not been updated in months. Of course, I am still constantly making food. Even photographing it. Indeed, I take pictures of everything I make that seems blog-worthy. Eventually I pull the photos off my camera, sort through them, and put them into itemized folders on my laptop. Specifically, the photos go into the "Post Me" sub-folder of my "Food Blog" folder. There are now 35 folders within the "Post Me" folder spanning a course of ten months.
Is it clear yet that I am goooooooood at procrastinating?
Because I am.
But that's not actually why I never post. With everything else in my life, posting just tends to be my lowest priority because it's time consuming. And it's time consuming because I like to blab. And tell you stories about the things I make. And tell you how you can make these things. Sometimes even open up and get all philosophical and sentimental and shit.
But seriously. There are 35 folders. The time for food blog narratives has never actually existed. And I have allowed my feeling that food blog posts should be narrated to hold me back from even posting pictures.
No longer!
With the remaining month and some days before 2010 comes to an end, I am dedicating myself to an epic photo-posting spree, taking you through my year of meals and projects in pictures. Stubborn idealist that I am, you can still expect there to be some captions, some fanciful names, if you're reeeally lucky, MAYBE EVEN SOME ANECDOTES. But they will be brief. Oh how brief they will be. As for recipes, half of these things didn't even use them. If there's something that you're curious about though, please let me know and I will post what recipes I have or explain what I did upon request.
I'm giving myself from now until New Years Eve. We'll see if I can catch up to real time in time to make some kind of food blog resolution for 2011.
Let the countdown begin!

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