Sunday, November 15, 2009

The 6 Foot Tall Cake

One sunny day in Olympia a few weeks ago (10/24/09), a handful of ladies gathered on a porch to assemble a six-foot-tall cake. Yes, that's right: a six-foot-tall cake. On my birthday this year, my friend KTeeO and I decided that making a six-foot-tall cake was just something we needed to do. So we did (along with 8 or 9 other bakers). And we invited all of our friends to come eat it! The "cake cafe" was a fundraiser for GenderJam: LaD.I.Y. and Trans Fest, an all womyn and transperson event coming up next weekend that a bunch of my female and trans friends have been hard at work organizing for the last couple months. I took all of the following pictures on my SLR Nikon and while I think this was one of the best rolls of film I've ever shot, I think the photos are also a testament to the joyously good time had by all.

I made a lavender cake with lavender icing.

The day before, Riley and I scoped out the porch we were serving off of and engineered this bamboo pole set-up. The pole went through a perfectly-sized hole in the porch and was tied under a brick underneath the porch. After we slid all of the cakes down the pole (inserting cardboard circles between some layers and frosting along the way), we tied the top of the pole around a nail in a rafter.

Some of the cake layers were vegan, like this vegan chocolate fudge cake Kate Long made.

See, six feet!

Then, about ten minutes after we'd cut into the cake, just as things were heating up...

Part of the porch collapsed!!!


and our gracious house hosts said, "Let them continue to eat cake!"

Which is exactly what we did.

All in all we made $120,

and had a gloriously, gloriously good time.

1 comment:

  1. Whitney - Great cake! It looks as though you had a fun day. For the applesauce that you made from my site, you should break it up with a wooden spoon, either as it is cooking or near the end of cooking. The apple slices will break up very easily and you'll end up with a chunky applesauce. If you want less chunks, break it up more. Sorry that I don't have that in the instructions. I"m going to add it in right now.
