Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Deer Steak


I don't even have any "after" shots from this grill-out, but I still can't resist posting this beautiful venison meat.

Thanks to my friend Clayton for sharing the wealth (shot by his father in Texas and mailed to him all the way in Olympia in a box of dry ice!) with my friend Tori who further shared it with me.

I let the steak marinate in papaya juice, tiny bit of olive oil, garlic, rosemary, salt and pepper, and oregano from my garden. Tori told me about the papaya juice secret: apparently, papaya has special enzymes that help to break down the meat so it's not as hard on your digestive system, particularly since it's wild game.

I let it marinate for two whole days before I grilled it. It was still relatively tough, but super savory. What a treat!

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